Welcome to our Staff Vacancies page. Please find below details of positions available across the Trust. 


If you would like to apply for a position, please take time to:

  • read through the advertisement and related documents
  • visit the website of the school to learn more about how they do things, their values and ethos
  • read our Recruitment Privacy Notice
  • fill in the appropriate Application Form online and return it to recruitment@twynhamlearning.com.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a specific role, please email recruitment@twynhamlearning.com.

Key Documents:

Twynham Learning Job Application Form

Diversity Questionnaire (submit alongside your application)

Recruitment Privacy Notice

You may also wish to read our Recruitment, Selection & Probation Policy which can be found in the Governance section of the website.

Our school websites:

Christchurch Infant School

Christchurch Junior School

Poole High School

Stourfield Infant School

Stourfield Junior School

Twynham Primary School

The Grange School

Twynham School

Twynham Teaching School


Staff Vacancies

Position School