Statement of Intent

The vision of Twynham Learning is simply stated: We want “every child attending a Twynham Learning school to enjoy the benefits of a world class education.”

Our curriculum will allow every child a rich breadth of experience and access to high quality resources so that they so that they are immersed in their study and learn the very best of what has been thought, said, written and done in each subject discipline. Our extra-curricular offer will extend to all children a rich dynamic blend of opportunities in the Arts, Drama, Music, Sport and Outdoor Education. This holistic offer will promote confidence, oracy, open mindedness and creative thinking; shaping children’s ability to address challenges and be prepared for their future pathway.

Our pedagogy will draw upon the latest evidence base and research of what works (and does not work) to ensure our children receive the very best teaching possible by talented, inspiring and dedicated professionals.

We will use formative assessment evidence and data to ensure academic rigour in order to plan the next steps in learning and close identified gaps. Pupils will receive feedback that is concise and timely to ensure they know how to improve in their learning.

We will use robust summative assessment data to hold ourselves accountable for the outcomes of the children in our care. Outcomes matter for every child as they enable the child to take either the next step in either educational journey or are their passport to employment or work place training.

Twynham Learning is deeply committed to social justice and will work continuously and tirelessly to ensure that all children, irrespective of background, experience a world class education, access and participate in a rich range of extra curricula opportunities and achieve outcomes commensurate with their peers.